Thursday, 19 September 2013

Indian runners for sale

Hi Guys, I have 5 Indian runner ducks for sale (2 ducks and 3 drakes) $100 for the lot. If you're interested, email or call 0407539478



  1. Hi Josh, this is great! I love chooks, they’re a great resource and eggs are expensive too. I also need to cut down on house hold wastage. I live in town at the moment, can you recommend a few chooks that would be my ideal. Oh and love the cost of food too that’s better than anyone I’ve quoted so far! Keep up the good work!

  2. Hi Belle, depends what exactly you want the chooks to do. If you want an easy care chook and you prefer brown eggs, I recommend the isa browns. If you want the cheapest eggs, the white leghorns have the best feed conversion rate. They won't lay as many eggs in total as the isa browns, but they will lay and live for a longer time. If you want a chook that forages well in the garden, picking out insects, you would be best to choose a breed with feathery legs, like a pekin or a silkie, hope this helps, if you have any more questions, please don't hesitate to ask :-)

    Also, I will post on here as soon as I have my chook feed available, hopefully mid November

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